Blogging University, Intro To Poetry #6

Intro To Poetry Day 6

Blogging U. Intro To Poetry Day 6

Hello Everyone!

png_thoughtbubble131The blogs I have read have shown me how much talent
is out in the world today. It’s unbelievable! I have learned how
daring, caring, inspiring, wise, informational, artistic, great photographypng_photo-camera-vintage-1900-vector-art-GF
and visionaries of the old and of the future.
Their feelings of sadness, happiness, knowledge, how to’s and much, much
more have opened up a new world for me!

Thank you!!!! jpg_heart-17

  • Give a try and try
  • Select tab Prompts & Challenges, then Daily Prompts, then select one or many of the words listed

Have a great day! Hope woman writer desk